Documentation for Georgia estuarine data 1955-1962. Data collected by Lawrence R. Pomeroy with student and technician aid. Positions are taken from USC&GS charts based on the visual landmarks noted in field logs. Depths are measured by soundings with instruments. Water temperature was recorded from a calibrated Whitney thermistor thermometer on submersible cable. Salinity was titrated with silver chloride, using Copenhagen standard seawater as reference (Knudsen, M. 1901. Hydrographical tables, Copenhagen). Subsurface water samples were collected using a two-liter brass Kemmerer bottle. Water samples for nutrients and chlorophyll were filtered and processed immediately upon return to the laboratory at Sapelo Island after each collecting cruise. Most sampling was from small boats; occasionally from R/V Kit Jones. In the latter case, sample processing was begun at once on board the boat. Reactive phosphate analysis was by the method of Hansen, A. L. and Robinson, R. J. 1953 (J. Mar. Res. 12:31-42) and Greenfield and Kalber 1954 (Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf and Carib. 4:323-335). Water samples were pre-filered through acid-washed 0.45 micrometer cellulose butyrate (Millipore) membrane filters. Total phosphorus analysis also followed the Hansen and Robinson method. Some of these data were published: Pomeroy et al. 1972, Amer. Soc. Limnol. Oceanogr. Spec. Pub. 1, pp. 274-291. The nitrite data (never published) were analyzed by the method of Bendschneider and Robinson 1952 (J. Mar. Res. 11:87). Water samples were pre-filered through acid-washed 0.45 micrometer cellulose butyrate (Millipore) membrane filters. Nitrate data (never published) were analyzed by the method of Mullin and Riley 1955 (Anal. Chim. Acta 12:464). Water samples were pre-filered through acid-washed 0.45 micrometer cellulose butyrate (Millipore) membrane filters. Chlorophyll a was estimated on acetone extracts from Whatman GF/C filters read in a Beckman DU spectrophotometer, using both 1 cm and 10 cm cuvettes (Richards, F. A. and Thompson T. G., J. Mar. Res. 11:156-172). These data were assembled by L. R. Pomeroy from the original field logs and data analysis logs, summer 1999.