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Unit Plans > Unit Plan 1, Grade 7 Life Science > Unit Plan 2, Grade 8 Life Science
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Georgia Quality Core Curriculum Addressed in Unit Plan 1

Science: Grade 7, Life Science

Content Standard
Selects and uses multiple types of print and nonprint 
sources for information on science concepts
Reference skills Scientific investigation requires the use of proper techniques in order to gather information.
Describes and compares various life processes of plants: 
asexual and sexual reproduction, photosynthesis, cellular 
respiration, growth and response to environmental 
Living Things/Plants Plants, like all organisms, must be able to obtain and use resources, grow, reproduce and maintain a relatively stable internal environment while living in a constantly changing external environment.
Describes the characteristics of invertebrate animals.
18.1  Sorts and classifies invertebrates into groups 
       according to life conditions, feeding, reproduction, 
       and behavior.
18.2  Describes characteristics of vertebrates within 
       the Chordata phylum.
18.3  Sorts members of the Chordata phylum into 
       classes by observation of characteristics
Living Things/Animals The Animal kingdom is divided into two distinct groups - vertebrates and invertebrates - based on characteristics and structure
S.7.19 Explains the food web/food chain cycles in nature that affect living things Ecology/Interdependence of Life All species ultimately depend on one another; interactions between types of organisms include producer/consumer, predator/prey, parasite/host, and relationships that can be mutually beneficial or competitive.
Describes the characteristics of major biomes 
(Here, limited to describing estuarine and salt 
marsh ecosystems.)
20.1 Describes the location of ecosystem.
20.2 Describes the climate and other abiotic factors
      of ecosystem.
20.3 Describes the organisms found within ecosystem
Ecology/Interdependence of Life Distinct ecosystems have particular living and nonliving components.
S.7.21 Describes the ability of organisms to change as necessity for species survival. Ecology/Interdependence of Life Organisms with certain traits are more likely than others to survive and have offspring. Changing environmental conditions can affect the survival of entire species.