page last updated 10/02/2002

What is a river? What is a watershed?

Where does the water come from? Where does it go? Who uses it?

What is water quality? What makes it good or bad? What does it affect?

What is an aquifer? My water comes from a well--why should I care about rivers?

You can find the answers to these and other questions on this web site.

The Summit to the Sea program is dedicated to informing the general public, educators, students and policy makers about the importance of Georgia's rivers and their watersheds. Here you will find scientific data, geological and geographical information, along with information about threats to the region, native plants and animals, and more. You can also find out what you can do to help protect and preserve Georgia's unique natural resources.

This web site will eventually have sections for the general public (General), K-12 students and teachers (K - 12) and a more technical section for policy makers and managers. At present, we are implementing the General and K-12 sections, but they are still works in progress. Visit often to see new information as it is added.

Because this web site is growing and changing, we welcome suggestions about ways to improve the information presented as well as reports of errors of fact, spelling or omission. Feel free to send suggestions, corrections or other comments to the webmaster.

The program is supported with funding from the Sapelo Foundation and the Nature Conservancy, and is a joint effort of the University of Georgia's Institute of Ecology and School of Marine Programs.