Life on the Beach
the beach itself appears nearly devoid of life, there are many
species that live there or are dependent on its availability for
feeding or nesting. At lower levels of the beach, where the surface
sand remains damp throughout low tide, there are often large patches
of diatoms which give the surface a golden sheen, similar to diatoms
found on exposed mud banks in the intertidal areas of the tidal
creeks, and during summer and fall the lower beach is often covered
by a layer of green which is a flagellated euglenoid alga which
migrates up and down in the sand in much the same fashion as the
marsh diatoms.
low tide it is common to see many small holes in the sand surrounded
by a ring of small, brown, cylindrical pellets. The hole is the
burrow of the ghost shrimp, Callianassa major, and the
pellets are fecal matter which has been deposited on the surface
by the animal in the burrow. The fecal pellets contain bacteria
and undigested algal cells and cell fragments, along with clay
particles, and could provide a neatly packaged source of organic
carbon for deposit feeding animals. Blue crabs (Callinectes
sapidus) and pagurid crabs (Pagurus spp.) can readily
ingest C. major fecal pellets, suggesting that the fecal
pellets may be an important food resource for subtidal species.
permanent resident of the beach is the ghost
crab, Ocypode quadratus. In addition to nocturnal
predatory foraging, O. quadratus engages in deposit feeding
during daylight hours, using its minor chelae to transport substrate
to the buccal cavity and then to remove feeding pellets, aggregations
of uningested substratum. Their behavior is similar to that of
the sand fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, which can also be
found on some sheltered areas of beach and in sandy substrate
high marsh habitats. Both O. quadratus and U. pugilator
are highly efficient at removing algae from sand particles. Deposit
feeding by ghost crabs is restricted to areas with visibly dense
patches of diatoms.
on beach animals